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Young designers we like: Valentin Loellmann


Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I grew up in the countryside of southern Germany. In a quite early stage of my life, I recognized that my well-being was susceptible to changes in my surroundings, and that I can influence my mode of being by changing my environment. Whenever I reached a point where I felt comfortable in my surroundings, I began looking for a change or a new place, in which I could explore and form anew again.This curiosity brought me to distant lands, always in search of new inspirations, impressions, people life forms and materials. Finally it brought me here, to Maastricht(NL), where I graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts Maastricht in 2009. After my graduation I founded my own studio, and started a workplace where I create my own projects for clients.

For me, the challenge lies in cultivating an alternative perspective on the things around me, and this serves me as a source of inspiration. I see it as both my task and my challenge to express all my experiences and impressions in my work.

What inspires you?

I draw my inspiration mainly from my immediate surroundings. My being is affected by a very big sensitivity, especially to those things that are closest to me. The people, forms and nature which surround me stimulate my thoughts and influence my actions.

Things you like/dislike.

I think that an overload on concepts and beliefs can make our world smaller. Our minds tend to block out things that do not fit our system or belief. My aim is to reverse the process of adopting rigid assumptions and reopen my mind to new possibilities, to be able to rediscover my childhood appetite for wonder and curiosity.

Who are your favorite designers?

I cannot say that there are some specific favorite designers for me, but there are definitely some great things being made by great designers and artists. I am very fond of the work by Charles and Ray Eames.

What does your apartment look like?

I live in a small house in Maastricht and love to change my interior as often as possible. Over the last years I have been collecting a lot of things that have been integrated into the interior, objects that give each room a very characteristic and unique look.It seems like the rooms of my house are my playground for constantly redefining myself and my sense of what I believe to be beautiful.

A selection of his work:




Posted in Designers, Ideas, Table.

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  1. remember Valentin? – Designspiration linked to this post on July 9, 2010

    [...] Valentin Loellmann? He’s one of the young designers I interviewed for this blog, check it out here. Well, I was [...]