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I am absolutely LOVING this home in the latest issue of Dwell Magazine, located outside of Tel Aviv. It has an amazing coolness about it. I haven’t gotten this excited and inspired by an apartment in a long time. I love the concrete floors, and the detail of the concrete wall behind the bed. So simple, and absolutely beautiful.









Posted in Architecture, Inspiration.

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5 Responses

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  1. Karina says

    I love the industrial feel of the place! I would just add some accessories with strong colors for the contrast (the orange Nesso lamp would look great here!).

  2. height-increasing insoles says

    Wonderful post! At last someone who knows what it
    is all about and can as well produce informative
    blogging for us the reader. Eagerly looking forward
    to your next post.

  3. says

    But love’s a malady without a cure.

Continuing the Discussion

  1. perfect palette « little fascist panties linked to this post on January 29, 2012

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  2. Inspiration Overdose | I read and liked #5 linked to this post on February 5, 2012

    [...] Gorgeous home in the latest issue of Dwell magazine via designspiration [...]