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Young designers we like: Bram Hendriks

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Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I do not own a tv, I am the oldest of three, my shoesize is 45, I have worked as a mailman, bike messenger, museum attendant, construction worker and selling biological vegetables on the Saturday market. I hate writing papers so I sometimes copied them from classmates. I hitchhiked through Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, and I have been snowboarding for the first time in my life 3 years ago. I like to cook but love to eat, my girlfriend makes the best pies in the world, I am vegetarian and so is she, I have not been to Mc Donalds in 15 year, and I am not planning on going there anytime soon. I used to have 3 rats as pets. I like to wear shorts when it’s over 16 degrees celcius outside and I prefer calling over texting… My name is Bram Hendriks.

How did you start designing?

I don’t think I ever did, things just happened to come into existence naturally… It just took a lot of sanding.

What inspires you?

Working with heavy machines, people saying things are impossible, wood in general and construction elements.

Who are your favorite designers?

Jurgen Bey, Ineke Hans, and the early stuff from DROOG design.

Describe your apartment!

I live in a monumental building in the centre of Arnhem, a city in the south eastern part of the Netherlands. It has a garden, marble staircase, 15 bedrooms, 4 toilets, 2 showers and 1 large kitchen…

As fancy as that may sound, I do have to share it with 14 other students! Even though I have one of the biggest rooms, it is stuffed. I consider myself a collector, and find it hard to throw things out. My style is a mixture of second hand furniture,my own designs, and ‘borrowed’stuff from construction sites and public space. Main colors are indigo, ruby, charcoal, white and desaturated mint green.

A selection of his work:

s gaaf eettafel

side table 01

Posted in Designers, Ideas, Items, Table.

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