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I just found two fantastic homes in the danish magazine bolig. Actually I found more than just two, but I’ll save the others for another time, there’s got to be some limit to my Denmark-obsession.

This apartment, owned by Kristina May Olsen and Morten Bo Jensens, was an old office space that the designer-couple turned into a modern, immaculate living space for them and their children.

I love how they decided to leave this room all open, and not make a separate kitchen. They really embraced all that fantastic natural light.


Bike decorating, seems to be the new thing. This one designed by Marc Newson.



The kitchen is beautiful, yes, simple and sleek. But I can’t take my eyes off the lights! Similar ones are also hanging over the kitchen island, both from Artemide. Very industrial chic.


And the cherry on top, well at least for me it is, don’t we all want that perfect black-on-white-frame-puzzle-wall?


Posted in Dining, Inspiration, Kitchen, Living.

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