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Delfin & Postigo house

This beautiful, sexy elegant house in Madrid is the residence of fashion designer David Delfin and architect turned photographer Gorka Postigo. Decorated with a lot of humor, art and objects this house is so tasteful and filled with personal taste. The pure white floors and walls really helps accentuate the artwork by photographers and artists such as Juergen Teller, Diane Arbus, Juan Gatti and of course Gorka Postigo himself.






Via yatzer. Photos by Manolo Yllera.

Posted in Art, Bedroom, Dining, Items, Living, Office, Rooms.

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4 Responses

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  1. Luliada says

    Can anyone tell me the designer of the dining chairs (metal frame with leather seat)?

  2. Meg says

    I’m wondering the same thing–who makes those amazing leather chairs?

  3. Ida says

    I wish I knew!

  4. Nancy says

    Does anyone know who the chairs are by or where to get them. Thanks